Meaning Glacial Retreat
What does Glacial Retreat mean? Here you find 6 meanings of the word Glacial Retreat. You can also add a definition of Glacial Retreat yourself


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Glacial Retreat

process by which glaciers melt faster than precipitation can replace the ice.


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Glacial Retreat

The backwards movement of the snout of a glacier.


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Glacial Retreat

when ablation exceeds accumulation causing a net loss of ice from the glacier. This usually involves the snout being found at a point in the valley short of the farthest it ever reached. Note that ice [..]


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Glacial Retreat

Net loss of ice from a glacier as a result of ablation exceeding accumulation.
Source: (offline)


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Glacial Retreat

Process by which glaciers melt faster than precipitation can replace the ice.The backwards movement of the snout of a glacier.Net loss of ice from a glacier as a result of ablation exceeding accumulation.when ablation exceeds accumulation causing a net loss of ice from the glacier. This usually involves the snout being found at a point in the valley short of the farthest it ever reached
Y va el tercero - 12 July 2019


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Glacial Retreat

When the tongue of a glacier goes back up the mountain because there is more meltwater and less glacier.
Theseus Drogen - 14 February 2022

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